Tuesday 17 August 2010

Social Media and Social Networking

Social Media and social networking is big in the UK, but how big really is the social media phenomena?  As you know from a previous post there are still a huge number of people in the UK that are not online.  So there is two sides to this story and you can read my recent digital post on the 10 million people that have never used the internet in the UK and what WSI in Sussex and other companies are doing about that with the sponsorship of Martha Lane Fox, the UK digital champion.

However, on the positive side and for the majority in the UK, the social media and networking train is steaming ahead and in the UK alone, about 85% of the population is online and they spend over 6 hours every day on various social media sites.  Also nearly 60% read blogs and 64% have their own personal profiles on one of the popular social network sites.

It is these sort of numbers, this level of  activity and general popularity of social networking has created interest in the forthcoming film "The Social Network". The film  "The Social Network" will make its premiere at the New York Film Festival and then spread to cinemas nationwide in the US on October 1st.  The story is based on the founding of Facebook and you can catch a brief preview of "The Social Network" on our previous blog post.

The numbers from Simply Zesty who have put together a clever video with many interesting social media related facts and figures.  Whilst these numbers apply to the online UK population, I suppose the general theme can apply to other countries as use of the internet and social media continues to grow at a massive pace.  Check out the social media numbers here on this video and you can see the original posting.

Let us know at WSI Internet Marketing what you think, do these numbers resonate with you and or your business.

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